Energy Physics Libraries
HEP Libraries
Issue 5 / November
International Spring School on the Digital Library and
E-publishing for Science
and Technology
CERN, European Organization for
Nuclear Research,
Geneva, Switzerland
3-8 March 2002
The "International Spring School on the Digital Library and E-publishing for Science and
Technology" course is designed for library managers, librarians, reference librarians, subject specialists, publishers and other information professionals in the fields of science and technology. Advanced libraries will mainly be addressed, without excluding the less technically advanced libraries. Since all lectures, workshops and discussions are held in English, participants should have a good command of the English language.
Participants should complete the course with a knowledge of:
- the current changes in the information chain, possible roles and opportunities for science and technology libraries;
- the strategies of other (commercial and scholarly) players on the market;
- the organisational and technical aspects of electronic self-publishing;
- different approaches to licensing and the forming of consortia;
- the experiences with integrating digital content in leading institutions.
The following subjects will be dealt with during the course:
- changes in the information chain;
- new roles of publishers on the Internet;
- the library as the information gateway, the library as a publisher;
- licensing options;
- library consortia: success, realism and myth;
- electronic preprints: document servers and the Open Archives Initiative;
- reference linking;
- library case studies.
More information on TICER's site (Tilburg Innovation
Centre for Elecronic Resources):