High Energy Physics Libraries Webzine: Interesting Websites

Editorial Board
Issue 6


Fun, educational website from Marshall Brains, offering a huge selection of popular-science style articles on a very wide range of subjects including astronomy, physics, engineering and computing. Articles are quite detailed and well illustrated. Under the 'experiments' section there are even instructions on how to build a bubble chamber at home. ****

New Scientists Guide to the Quantum World

Selection of articles from the New Scientist which together provide a comprehensive introduction to quantum theory. ****

Physics Encyclopedia: Physics Internet Resources

Large selection of resources for physics, grouped by topic and further categorized by level. ****

Pop Physics

Small collection of popular science articles in French on various aspects of physics, nicely presented. Also includes 'La list noire' - a selection of sites on the web that have been identified as 'pseudo-science' with explanations (in French) as to why they have been included. Controversial but perhaps useful. ***
Editorial Board
Issue 6

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