High Energy Physics Libraries Webzine: Interesting Websites

Editorial Board
Issue 8

Getting Started With XML

This is a very good starting point for any librarian who needs to learn about XML. Avaliable as an HTML online manual or a PDF file suitable for printing, it offers a practical approach that covers both why XML is useful and how to construct and enhance texts with XML ****


This site produced by the International Association of Technological University Libraries provides news, links to full text articles and conference announcements relevant to research and development in technology libraries. ***


This website is a collaborative effort from particle physics laboratories across the world. It provides links to current particle physics news from the world's press, high-resolution photos and graphics from particle physics laboratories; links to education and outreach programmes and information about science policy and funding. *****

NIST Data Gateway

This site provides easy access to NIST scientific and technical data covering a broad range of substances and properties from many different scientific disciplines. It is possible to search by keywords, properties and substances across a collection of NIST databases, many of which are free. ****

Scholarly Electronic Publishing Bibliography

This selective bibliography produced by Charles Bailey, presents over 1,900 articles, books, and other printed and electronic sources that are useful in understanding scholarly electronic publishing efforts on the Internet. ****
Editorial Board
Issue 8

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